Islamic Calendar 2020 is a big year for Islam. It marks the first anniversary of the last year of the Holy Prophet's (PBUH) (SAW) life and the opening of the era of caliphate.

By now, no one in the world will be able to forget the story of The Day of Ashura, which happens to be the second day of the holy month of Muharram. And this year, the tale of Anas, a Jewish tribal man who was killed by his own brother for refusing to join them in hating the Muslims, is being celebrated in the very same month. It all adds up to a remarkable chain of events of the past few years.

For the next three years, all people living in Islamic lands will have to keep track of the following: First month of Shawwal will be beginning on the 16th day of each month, and in the second quarter of the new year, a new and more prominent calendar will be produced. The Islamic Calendar 2020 is the third calendar that has been produced since the establishment of the Caliphate.

These are not only minor and not so major changes in terms of the calculations. Every Islamic state is following its own calendar and keeping a tab on the time of its own people. And all this is done to ensure the stability of the country and the rule of law.

The first calendar was produced at the time of Hadhramut's time. This calendar was calculated according to the work of Imam Nawawi, who was the main advisor of the Caliph, and it was also different from the current Islamic Calendar.

In the seventh century, the Caliph of 'Uthman (Sultan ' Uthman I) announced a new calendar with a new plan. This calendar was then readied and prepared for Caliph Yazid (Sultan Yazid I) who used it in his time.

As a result, the people at the time had to collect the relevant information and they also had to compile their own calendrical tables. However, according to the current Islamic calendar, the calendar was written down in the year 674 AH. In the eighth century, when it was reformed again, the calendar was again re-calculated by Imam Nawawi who was still an adviser to the Caliph, in spite of the fact that the Caliph could not have the authority to change the previous calculation.

Therefore, what we can see is that even though it took a long time before calendrical tables were available, Muslims started to have an idea of how the calendar was calculated and how it was set. This fact proved that it was based on accurate calculations and on correct laws. That is the main reason why many people today are starting to wonder whether the Islamic Calendar 2020 will take effect for real or not.